Why is it that the educational system today that tells us not to think?Why do they find it necessary to spoon feed us information that we're not really learning?Why do they find it necessary to give us information wrapped up in a neat little bow of convenience and easiness, make us memorize it, test us on it, and give us a nice little grade on our report cards?
That is not how we learn.
We need to struggle through the learning process in order to actually learn and make the knowledge our own. Unfortunately, struggles bring pain and discomfort, and 99% of the population would prefer to live ignorant comfortable lives rather than struggle. They don't care whether they're learning or not, they just care about graduating with a degree so that they can get a salary and keep up with the rest of the materialistic fools of our society. No, university is no longer about learning, it's about a degree. (I.e. -if it was truly about learning, there would be more academic scholarships instead of sports scholarships)
University has turned into a time of hanging out with "bffs", nights of drunkenness that are remembered only through the pictures on your digital camera, and skating through classes hung-over with grades only good enough so you can graduate. It's no longer about the learning.
And the few that actually value their education? What about them? They're doomed. They're the outcasts. They're the suck-ups. They're the Socratic gadflies of the twenty-first century, and they're doomed to fail. They will be taunted, talked about, and hated. Why? Because they show the degree driven people how they should be. And nobody wants to hear they're wrong, so the intellectual will be pointed at frantically, and have "TRAITOR" yelled at them, so that the majority can take the heat off of themselves. The majority does not want to have to defend the perfect little front that they put up.
And what about the future? That too, is doomed. We're breeding generations of more cute little materialistic babies that will follow in the footsteps of my jaded generation.The majority will always be ignorant.
The majority will always value pleasure over knowledge. The majority will always doom the intellectual. The intellectual will always have to find solace in knowledge and their minds.
The world will never be a place for intellectuals.